Date: March 27, 2018
To; Ray Swenson, Chairman Mission Irrigation District
Paul Guenzler, Chairman, Flathead Irrigation District
Boone Cole Chairman, Jocko Irrigation District
From: Kurt Hafferman, P.E.
Re: Review of the Flathead, Mission and Jocko Boards Meeting March 12 and 13, 2018
After our Monday March 12th and Tuesday March 13th with the Flathead, Mission and Jocko
Boards, Hafferman Engineering Inc (HEI) was asked to summarize the meetings, provide
direction and advice for progress on water right claims, communicate with Matt Williams and
obtain any feedback he can provide on claims examination progress, offer advice on a legal name
if it needs to be changed on the Water Right Abstracts and provide a summary of other work
projects the Board has contemplated.