Attending Commissioners: Paul Guenzler, David Lake, Bruce White, Dave Vincent, Janette Rosman
Absent: No one.
Recording Janette Rosman FID
October minutes: Were read, David Lake made motion to accecpt the minutes, Dave Vincent second. Passed unanimously.
Paul Greico stated the minutes did not reflect his concerns about the Admin fund figures in October did not match up to what was reported. There was a fair amount of discussion and following the meeting Janette sent him an email stating “I hope this email answers your questions about the September agenda and dollar amount for the Admin account. I had not taken the time to apologize for not doing it last month. I had the wrong number $656,597.99 dollar amount down on September agenda. The September warrant list spreadsheet shows the right amount as do the September minutes. Attached are financials, agenda and minutes to let you know it was my error on my part and hopefully your concern will be resolved.” He felt it needed to be in the November minutes.
Treasurer Report: Motion was made by David Lake to approve the warrants, Second by Dave Vincent, passed unanimously.
Total FID warrants for November was 13,156.54. Cote and Assoc., FJBC 1594.48, Cote and Assoc. FID $5718.60. Dept. of Treasury 87.54. Mission Valley Printing $152.00, MT Employer’s unemployment Insurance., $2.00 Janette Roseman reimbursement for paid receipts, $584.65, Whaley Account $479.40. Yellowstone Strategies $4000.00. Shared expenses for District Office in St Ignatius are: Access Montana 38.30, Blackfoot $65.51, Mission Valley Power $29.59, Town of St. Ignatius, $54.34. Lake County Treasurer annual property tax $127.84. Montana Dept. of Revenue (2015 FJBC bill) $463.84.
Flathead Irrigation ADM $623,201.93. Flathead Irrigation O&M $804,890.56. FJBC $12,070.92.
Paul mentioned that next month there will be Maco check deposited for $2180.47 FID account regarding a cancelled FJBC Insurance Policy.
Congressional Letter in support of the CSKT Compact was brought forth before the commissioners again this month. No changes were made. Motion was made by Janette to approve the letter, second by Dave V, Janette, David L, Dave V, and Paul Guenzler voted yea. Bruce White voted nea.
By Laws, Article XIII states:
“These Bylaws may be amended or repealed and new Bylaws adopted, by a majority of the Board at any regular meeting thereof, or at any duly noticed and constituted meeting thereof” There was discussion about changing this By-Law so that there would be more thought ans weight put into any changing of the By-Laws. Dave V proposed that it read when adopting or amending By-Laws the first meeting would be a pre-reading so the public has a chance to weigh in. Second meeting By-Law would be read again. Third meeting it would be voted on. He also said it would be a lot easier to defend in court if it was done that was and we would be using the existing By-law to change
Article XIII. Cassie Deleo asked if we would be sending out notice to the public about by-law change. Dave V didn’t think it would be necessary if we had it on the agenda, first reading then next month, second reading followed by a third reading and vote. Cassie agreed if we would put the change in the agenda. Proper verbiage for the change will be presented at December meeting. Motion was made by David L., to change the existing by-law it needed a three meeting process. First reading would be introducing the change, second reading would be of notice and the third reading would be the final reading when commissioners vote. Second by Dave V. , passed unanimously.
Fiscal Policies: In December we will get a bill from BIA for O&M fees and we need to have an O&M buget posted at the courthouse for two weeks, then discussion in December and the vote so warrant can be drawn up in January. To put the budget together for Admin and O&M we will not have final 2018 figures from the Treasurer Office until February. Jennifer Cote stated we can pay the O&M and vote on the budgets Admin and O&M when we the end of the year figures. Since the meeting with Richard Erb and I have met with Cotie and Whaley Accounting discussing Fiscal Polices and Budgets. Whaley does our accounting, Cote has done FID State Audit and we should be communicating with her regarding Fiscal Policies. She has agreed to present the Audit and discuss Fiscal policies at our December Meeting.
BIA Letter: There was a fair amount of discussion pointing out what the problems are regarding the letter. No action was taken. At the very end it was suggested that a letter be written to Zinke.
Paul asked what we are going to do in putting the Compact in place. The CSKT Compact. That brought up discussion on the peoples compact that is connected to Western Montana Alliance Dr Kale Vandermere and Terry Backs.
Jan Tusick, would like the board to be pro-active in support of the Compact, especially on the Federal Level.
Public Comment:
Roy Lake, this project was not made to be operated by separate districts. This part of the Project from FID to Jocko was made to operate together. FIID main employees many are getting ready for retirement, could we possibly have a person on FIID? What is the current status of repairing Crow Reservoir? Jay Johnson said they just received $10 Million for continued repairs. Redesignation since 1963, eliminate all of class 3. You had the choice of opting out. There are some parcels that are under the project but not capable of getting water. Could it be that those parcels come out of the project? One more item, the Joint Board used to send a newsletter four times a year keeping irrigators more informed, the people liked knowing what the board was doing. David L. shared it has been suggested the Susan Lake or someone could take notes and send it to the paper for irrigators to read and be informed what FID is doing.
Janette made motion to adjourn, Dave Vincent second.