Flathead Irrigation District Meeting, January 14, 2019
Lake County Community Development Center, Ronan
407 Main Street SW., Ronan. 1:00 PM
Attending commissioners: Paul G, David L., Bruce W., Dave V. & Janette R. Absent: No-one
Recording: “David Passieri & FID.
Minutes for December 10, 2016 were presented: Motion was made by David Lake to approve the minutes. Second by Bruce White. Passed unanimously. .
Second reading of By-Law Changes were presented: Note By-laws and Second Reading (January 14) changes in copy of By-Laws with changes at February meeting
Treasure Report:
1. 2018/19 Annual Budge reviewed. (Budget will be approved in February when County Treasure reports are all in for 2018).
2. Warrants were presented. Dave Vincent made a motion to accept the warrants as presented. Bruce White Second. Passed
3. O&M Cash Account was reviewed and BIA Bill presented. Motion was made by Janette Rosman to pay current half of O&M $1,471,942.99 bill. Second by David Lake. Janette Rosman, David Lake and Paul Guenzler voted Yea. Dave Vincent and Bruce White voted Nay. Passed.
It was suggested that we consult an attorney regarding:
1. Funds used out of Flathead Irrigation Account for FJBC Checks that Mission and Jocko did not participate in (FID AUDIT Jennifer Cote discovery). An accountant will state we can’t put it on the books unless we have a legal claim. It was suggested we put it on accounts receivable and move it into accrual. We were advised to get a legal opinion and an opinion from an accountant on how to handle it. ?
2. Consult a lawyer to transfer District office out of FJBC into three District names. Judy Day needs historical cost of building.
3. Have lawyer look into FJBC Account holding $12K and split it between three districts. There are still uncashed checks.
Montana Water Resource Association: Janette Rosman made the motion to send and pay for David Lake to attend the Montana Water Resource Meeting in Helena, January 31, 2019. Paul Guenzler Second. David Lake Abstained, Bruce White Nay, Paul Guenzler, Dave Vincent and Janette Rosman Yea. Passed.
Fiscal year: Place Fiscal By-Law reading/change on February Agenda. November 1 thru October 31st.
Resolution 2019-1 declaring election of Flathead District 2&4 was filed with the Election office. Irrigators running for election have to file by 2/11/19. David L, Motion, Paul 2nd. Passed unanimously.
Authorize Spending money for stamps, printing of election documents and labels: David Lake made a motion to approve up to $1000.00 of incidental expenses without having to present it as an action item in a meeting. Incidentals will be reported at the earliest FID meeting. Janette Second. Passed unanimously.
CME: David L., stated FID support for CSKT Compact prompted Tribe desire to sit down with Paul G. and David L, and start a discussion of project management with the irrigators. There were many comments that can be heard on the recording. Janette R. made the motion to have Commissioners David Lake and Paul Guenzler and two FID irrigators, Roger Starkel and Cody Sherman sit down with the tribe and have a working CME discussion. All decisions will be brought back to FID board and irrigators for approval. Passed unanimously
CITT Representation: Janette made motion to have David Lake as FID CITT Representation. Dave Vincent Second. David Lake Abstained, Dave V., Janette R., Paul G., and Bruce White. Yea. Passed.
Public Comments:
Petition for the Separation from Flathead Irrigation District and the Formation of a Special District to be known as Camas Irrigation District. Letter with petition from Stephen R. Brown, Garlington, Lohn & Robinson, PLLP. Requesting FID Commissioners adopt a resolution or letter stating it’s non-opposition. It was mentioned that FID should seek legal advice. There was also discussion on how FID and the New District would resolve existing claims. Cassie Dellwo recommended that when decision is made both sides need to agree to a complete settlement plan includes District office in Mission.
David Lake made motion to Adjourn, Second by Bruce White (?), Passed.