Flathead Irrigation District, September 25, 2024 meeting
Mission West Community Development Partners
407 Main Street, Ronan, Mt. 1:00 PM, Upstairs
Attending Commissioners: Paul Guenzler, Bruce White, Trent Coleman & Janette Rosman.
Absent: David Lake, excused.
September News letter was sent out to the FID Irrigator list, If you did not receive it and would like to be added to FID email list contact Janette Rosman, Janette@ronan.net, text 406-261-6792 or email Janette@ronan.net. It is also posted at FlatheadIrrigationDistrict.org under Home-News-Notices.
BIA: Eric Bruguier and Koshon LaCounte came to our meeting and spent a fair amount of time discussing and answering irrigators questions. A few of the items discussed: Assessed base for minimum water charges (10 acres or less) will be increased from $75.00 to $200.00, (attempting to offset costs). Eric was able to acquire Winn Act dollars for new or refurbished Caterpillar equipment. Skye Cooley discussed flumes for measuring water that will do a better a better job calculating measurements. Camas area discussions regarding 20% of normal year quota. It was a record year for low water in Camas and irrigators were commended for their cooperation. Bruce White requested to walk B Canal with BIA.
August Minutes: Bruce White made motion to accept August minutes, Trent Coleman Second. Passed.
Warrants for August: Trent Coleman made motion to accept August warrants, Bruce White second. August warrants: Click Here designs $55.00, Whaley Accounting $750.00, Janette Rosman, reimbursements for past year $175.00. Total $980.05. Cash Balance per Register as of August 31, 2024: Flathead Admin $487,981.00, Flathead O&M $539,199.00.
Montana Water Resources Meeting October 15-16th Fairmont Hot Springs: Janette made motion to cover expenses for any commissioner attending this meeting, Paul second. Passed.
Zoom Meetings: Bruce White made motion to have meetings on Zoom for those that are able to attend. FID is looking into having Zoom meetings posted on web site: FlatheadIrrigationDistrict.org. Trent Coleman second, passed.
Letters to CSKT, CITT and BIA: Janette made motion to approve the writing of a letter to CSKT, CITT, BIA (both locally and regionally, seeking clarification on the River Diversion Allowances and water deliver after September 15, 2025 and appointing Dave Lake to work with Five Valleys Law. Paul second. Passed
Public Comment: November 14th Board meeting with BIA. November 21st (?) public meeting with BIA.
Adjourn: Janette made motion to adjourn, Trent second.
Janette Rosman, commissioner and secretary.