Flathead Irrigation District November 2020
November 25, 2020
Lake County Extension Office
303 3rd Ave NW., Ronan, Mt.
Attending Commissioners: Paul Guenzler, David Lake and Janette Rosman
Absent: Excused: Dave Vincent and Bruce White.
Pledge. Recording: Janette for FID. Folder 19/19.
BIA Report: Not available.
October Minutes: David Lake made motion to approve minutes, Paul second. Passed.
September Minutes Amended: Janette made motion to amend September minutes, David Lake 2nd, Passed.
WARRANTS: Whaley Acct., Nov/Dec $1200.00, Click Here Design, Nov/Dec $110.00, Five Valley Law, PLLC. $340.00, Lake County Treasurer, District Office in St. Ig., $127.84. MT. UI 3rd quarter $3.15.
Cassie Dellwo: Paul met with Ray Swenson regarding the process of distributing FJBC Assets between the three districts working out details between the districts. David Lake made the motion, Paul Second: District office in Saint Ignatius to be distributed according to percentage records in the Books. FID 79.9%, Mission 13.2%, Jocko 6.9%. Each District has a Right of First Refusal, FID will receive all the funds in the FJBC Checking account and waiver all claims for money owed by Mission & Jocko Districts. (explained below). At this meeting an FID Commissioner added: Each district will pay their portion of the attorney fees and cost associated with drafting the Joint Petition Distributing Flathead Joint Board of Control Assets. Passed.
David Lake wanted it in FID Minutes the amount of funds FID was waiving. It is written in Jennifer Cote’s Flathead Joint Board of Control, Audited Financial Statements Required by Government Audition Standards.
December 31, 2016. Page 10. Payment to Rocky Mountain Law made directly from Flathead Irrigation District Admin Acct: $53,947. Payment to Acadian Consulting (Washington D.C. Consulting firm) made directly from Flathead Irrigation District Admin fund: $17,409. Funds were directly paid from Flathead Irrigation District Admin Account in 2015 total of $30,000. All of these automatic transfers of funds should have gone thru FJBC Account and shared by all Districts. FID has figured the amount owed by M&J Districts would be $20,372.76. FJBC checking acct. as of 12-31-2020 is $13,204.00. M&J Share is$2,654.00. FID Commissioners are willing to waive the opportunity to come back on Mission and Jocko Irrigation districts for any FJBC transactions for $2,654.00 forfeiting the $20,372.76 automatic transfer amount they would have paid in 2015 and 2017.
December Meeting: David Lake made motion to send out notices today (30-day notice) there will not be an FID meeting in December. Whaley Accounting and Click Here Design warrants for November and December were signed at November 25th meeting. Paul Seconded. Passed. Notice was sent out to irrigators.
Block Advertising. Janette reported to the commissioners the cost of placing Block Ads in the Daily Interlake and or Valley Journal was $50-$80 per block ad. Depending on the size. Valley Journal does have a weekly Community Calendar for free advertising. (depending on available space). Since Covid the Calendar has not been active in VJ. Janette made motion to update the EMAIL LISTS and post on VJ free Calendar when they bring it back to the weekly paper. David Lake second. Passed.
If irrigators are not getting notice today, please contact your district commissioner with email address.
Public Comment: Janette, FID received in the mail a quote from Denning and Downing to do 2020 audit. Will add it to January meeting agenda.
Adjourn: David Lake made motion to adjourn, Paul Second. Passed
Janette Rosman, Secretary