Flathead Irrigation District Minutes, October 26, 2022
Mission West Community Development, 1:00 PM
407 Main Street SW., Ronan, Mt.
Attending Commissioners: David Lake, Trent Coleman, Bruce White, Paul Guenzler & Janette Rosman
Absent: No one Pledge: Recording: No one
Please Keep Public Comment to 2 minutes per agenda item
BIA Report: Lawrence Nelson, Curtis Yatzzie & Dan Olsen attended meeting with reports. Some of the reported items: FY 2024 budget will be released withing 2-3 weeks. Still running 2 pumps for Spring back up water into Pablo Reservoir. #2 pump, shaft being sent to Spokane for proper alignment. Curtis Yatzzie a longtime employee has been appointed Water master for South Mission Division. Curtis was water master during CME. Dan Olsen will continue to be water master for North division. L. Nelson continues to advertise employment positions and will be giving notice of a fall BIA meeting. Larry also reported North Crow will still be limited to the amount of water stored, once past 2nd phase of Crow Dam construction it will be able to store more water, projected time is 2024. Duane W., also asked if Charlo irrigators would be able to meet w/Planning team on Charlo improvements? Yes, they can. L. Nelson.
September Minutes: David Lake made motion to accept Sept. minutes, Bruce White Second. Passed
Warrants: Bruce White made motion to accept warrants, Trent Coleman, second. Passed Warrants: CHD $55., Five Vly Law #4048/#4050 $1527.76, Whaley Acct. $750.00, O&M $502,532, Admin $542,562.
November and December Meeting times: David Lake made motion to move November meeting to Nov. 16th and December to Dec. 21st, due to holidays. Bruce White second. Passed
Letter to Attorney General re: County Assessment collection: David Lake made motion for Cassie to write a letter to Attorney General & FID Commissioners have given Cassie permission to Co-sign on our behalf and invite Mission and Jocko to be included in the letter. Second by Trent Coleman. Passed. (This letter to Attorney General is referencing Lake County Commissioners signing of Resolution 21-20 and then amending action time line to July 2023).
Appeal process and proposed letter to Lake County Invoice for Inputting correct assessment: County Treasurer, Robin Rubel submitted a bill to FID for correcting $33.50 (2023 O&M assessment due to incorrect error submitted) to $35.50. She required bill be paid before she made change. FID commissioners agreed to pay invoice and did so Under Protest. Cassie presented the appeal process to the FID commissioners and Bruce felt we would be paying out another $2000.00 for the appeal process. Process was discussed and there was no action taken.
Draft Memorandum of Understanding with CSKT: Cassie handed out Draft Memorandum of Understanding to commissioners and requested commissioners review and get back to her with any changes and input. Draft memorandum will be attached to these minutes for recording and website. No Public Comment: Adjourn: Janette made motion, David second. Janette Rosman, secretary