Flathead Irrigation District, Minutes May 25,2021.
Lake County Community Hall, Ronan. Back door.
303 3rd Avenue NW., Ronan. 1:00 PM
Attending commissioners: Paul Guenzler, David Lake, Bruce White, Trent Coleman & Janette Rosman
Absent: No One.
Safety of Dams and BIA Report: Jace Smith attended the FID meeting today and gave us a report. He is the Irrigation Info-structure manager for Safety of Dams. When Compact moves forward he will be working with Construction Engineers. He reported Pumping Plant 3 motor will be getting new brushes/rotors installed next week. Nick and Jace reported Pumps 1 & 2 are running very well. Crow Dam they are pouring concrete. Safety of Dams is working with BIA. BIA in Portland asked Safety of Dams to create another program to help Pumping Plant. BIA seeded the program with Winn funds, 1.3 Million to go to repairs at Pumping plant.
Following Safety of Dams Report, Larry Nelson, BIA introduced Dewey Schliep, North Division ISO. It is Dewey’s 8th season as a Ditch Rider. He runs feeder, Mud Creek and Pablo Reservoirs water. Stormy Bacon, Water Master for South Division was also available to address questions and concerns. Larry Nelson recognized Jace, Safety of Dams, as very helpful in getting repairs started and completed. BIA has $10,000 limit for jobs. If it goes over that, BIA has to put it out for Nation Wide Bid Contract. Then it goes thru Selection Process and last step is Award Date. With Tribe/Safety of Dams, BIA is able to get things done much faster. What takes BIA 3 years, they can get it done in 1 year. Funds are coming out of Central Fund, Winn Act funds, and 1128 Contract Funds. No Irrigator funds are being used. Larry appreciates Safety of Dams efforts.
Larry discussed Ninepipes Water users request for water last week. Three irrigators came to Larry with a desperate plea for water to save their crops. He had not heard from others. Very little water was coming down from mountain range. Ninepipes was short of water. Larry asked for a meeting and three people showed up. BIA agreed to release a small amount of water. Then two FID Charlo irrigators questioned Larry, BIA about unfair treatment given to other irrigators. Second meeting was called by Larry and held on May 24th for Charlo irrigators. Paul Guenzler, Dave Vincent and Janette Rosman attended meeting. Irrigators wanted all water to be turned off until reservoirs are full. Decision Crow Dam can only hold a certain amount of water and it may as well be used by irrigators when water levels go beyond acceptable levels set by Safety of Dams. BIA is monitoring water flows going into reservoirs. Irrigators can access web site/app for checking water flows coming in and going out at: https://www.csktwaterdata.org/AQWebPortal. Web site is also posted on FlatheadIrrigationDistrict.org. Paul asked Larry, how are you going to notify irrigators about water deliveries? Larry, “Once water is available and they have ordered, water will be delivered within 48 hours of their call.” “Call 24 hours to have water turned off.” There are no deliveries or shut offs during the week ends.” Ditch Riders will let their irrigators know when water is available. It’s important that irrigators call in for water delivery now while reservoirs are being filled.
Crow pump picks up extra water for Kicking Horse and then goes into Ninepipes. Post Creek-Fort Conah is pretty much Instream Flows. David Lake, a lot of water coming from Mud Creek-Crow Creek is uncontrolled water. Camas is getting a lot of water and it’s being captured. Larry Nelson recommended Flathead District, Mission District and Jocko District disseminate information at one meeting. (Follow up and see what he meant by this and how it can be accomplished).
Oath of Office for Trent Coleman: Chairman Paul Guenzler swore in commissioner Trent Coleman from Irrigation District 1, Moiese, for a term running from May 2021-May 2024.
Installation of Officers for new term: Janette Rosman made a motion to accept current slate of officers:
Paul Guenzler-Chairman, David Lake-Vice Chair, Janette Rosman-Secretary. David Lake Second, passed.
Warrants: Bruce White made motion to approve warrants. David Lake Second. Passed. Approved warrants:
Click Here Design $55, Five Valleys Law, PLLC $1951.22, (Whaley Accounting will separate out what is salary $473.00 and what is reimbursement for CME survey) $1478.22. Local Government Services $1300.00. Judy sent an email stating: The District currently owes $1,300.00 filing fee for the FY2020 annual financial report. Whaley & Associates PC monthly accounting $750.00. Total Warrants: $4,056.22.
Cash Balance per Warrant Register: Flathead Irrigation ADM: $611,893.00, Flathead Irrigation O & M $955,242.00 As of 04/30/2021. Flathead Joint Board Checking Account $13,204.00.
Cassie Dellwo: In March Cassie sent out agreement to distribute Flathead Joint Board of Control Assets to Mission and Jocko Joint Board of Control. They then had agreement reviewed by their own lawyer as suggested by Cassie. Unless they are objections building will be owned by Districts according to FJBC percentage splits.
CME2 Questionnaire: has been sent out and due May 31st.
Budget for 2022: Motion was made by Paul to set up a committee to have Budget 2022 completed by June meeting. Second by David Lake. Passed. Committee members are Paul Guenzler and Trent Coleman.
Public Comment: None
David Lake made motion to adjourn, Janette second.
Janette Rosman,
FID Secretary