Flathead Irrigation District June 23, 2021 Meeting. 1:00 PM
Lake County Extension Office/Community Center, Backdoor
303 3rd Avenue NW., Ronan, Mt.
Attending Commissioners: Paul Guenzler, David Lake, Bruce White, Trent Coleman & Janette Rosman
Absent: Nobody
Safety of Dams: No new information.
BIA: A written report was emailed out to FID Irrigators on Janette’s list. If you would like
to receive emails with FID meeting notices and BIA reports send an email to Janette@ronan.net.
May Minutes: David Lake made motion to accept the minutes as written. Bruce White second. Passed.
Warrants: David Lake made motion to approve the following warrants, Trent Coleman second. Passed
Click Here Design, LLC., $55.00, Five Valleys Law, PLLC $236.50, Montana State Fund $357.61, Whaley Accounting $750.00, MACo Insurance $3, 862.65, C.N.A. Surety Bond $100.00. The following for commissioner mileage and meeting attendance from January thru June. Janette Rosman meetings, $600. Mileage $274.77, Paul Guenzler meetings $600, mileage $36.57, David Lake meetings $500, mileage $69.17, Dave Vincent meetings $400, mileage $59.80, Bruce White meetings $600, mileage $356.40, Trent Coleman meetings $200, mileage $7.80. Janette Rosman Secretary payroll (6 months) $1103.91. Total warrants $10, 170.18. FID Account balances as of 5/31/21: Admin $608, 187.00. O&M $1,606,104. 5/31/2021
Cassie Dellwo: Distribution of Assets was postponed again until Mission and Jocko Districts have documents reviewed by their lawyer and signed. CME2 Survey Monkey was to compile the letters instead Cassie use Google for Survey results. She will send a PDF of survey results to be posted on FID web site.
Budget 2022: Paul Guenzler and Trent Coleman will work on 2022 budget and send it to Judy Day, Whaley Accounting who will then type it up and do Admin and O&M budgets for 2022. Budgets need to be recorded at Lake and Sanders County the first Friday in August.
Montana Water Resources Annual Meeting: Janette made motion to pay David Lakes (Director) mileage and expenses to attend Montana Water Resource annual meeting July 19-20th, Fairmont Hot Springs, Trent second. Passed.
Wipfli: Wayne Hiatt with Wipfli, has sent an email stating he was able to post Contract on LGS website to complete 2019-2020 Financial Audits. He was late in doing so.
July meeting location: FID meetings will continue to be held at Lake County Extension Office/Community Center. 303 3rd Avenue NW., Ronan. September 22. 2021 meeting will be held in Extension office kitchen area. St. Luke will be preparing the Lake County Community Center for their yearly gala.
Public comment: There was no public comment.
Adjourn: Janette Rosman made motion to adjourn, David Lake second.
Janette Rosman, Secretary