Flathead Irrigation District, Minutes, July 26, 2023
Mission West Community Development Partners
407 Main Street SW, Ronan, Mt. 1:00 PM
Attending Commissioners: Paul Guenzler, David Lake, Bruce White, Trent Coleman & Janette Rosman.
Absent: Trent Coleman, excused.
Bia: Larry Nelson, Curtis Yazzie, Dan Olson and Sky Cooley, BIA Hydrologist, attended meeting. Sky who has been with Project for four months, handed out a color photo copy of Current Reservoir Levels as of July 26, 2023. Larry Nelson stated there are some changes coming up regarding irrigation water application, especially flood irrigating, “BIA wants to make irrigators better aware of what their water abilities can be, right now flood irrigation uses a lot of water. Moving forward we see better production on pipe. There are CFR’s policies in irrigating.” Paul asked if Districts can be a part of making decisions for Irrigators? Larry stated, “Of course we are going to involve Districts. We can’t tell you have to change flood irrigation to pipe we can inform irrigators of other options.” Dan Yazzie said, “Nobody is going to mandate anything, tribe is mandating there be gauges on irrigator delivery points. Randy asked where measuring devices will be placed and Dan response, Off pump sites, point of delivery is gate going into field. The overall message from BIA appears to be there are some changes coming forth for irrigators, BIA will be following CFR Policies.
June Minutes: David Lake made motion to approve June minutes, Bruce White, second. Passed
BIA 2nd half of 2023 Assessment warrant: Bruce White made motion to accept 2023 Assessment warrant $1,559,654.88. Janette second. Passed
July Warrants: David Lake made motion to accept July Warrants, Bruce White second. Passed. July warrants: Click Here Design $55.00, Five Valleys Law #4713 $268.75, US Treasury Payroll tax deposit $303.40, Mt withholding tax $70.00, Mt Unemployment Insurance $2.97, Whaley & Assoc., monthly $750.00. Total $1450.12. FID Admin: $514,135.00. FID O&M $1,986,894.00. Balance as of 06/30/2023. Balanced with Lake Co Treasure thru June, 2023.
Admin Budget 2024: Bruce White made motion to accept 2024 Admin Budget to be ZERO same budget for 2023 Admin Budget, Janette Second. Passed.
O&M Budget 2024: David Lake made motion to accept O&M 2024 Budget, Paul Guenzler, second. Passed.
Resolution 23-1, Increase O&M fee from $35.50 to $39.00 as per Federal Register. David Lake made motion to accept Resolution 23-1. Bruce White, second. Passed
Resolution 23-2 Admin fee: Bruce White made motion to leave the Admin fee at ZERO. Same as 2023. David Lake Second. Passed.
Meeting Mileage Compensation: Paul made a motion to pay for the attendance and mileage for meetings attended by board member (s) representing the FID that are non-public, invitation only, or where there is a presentation or voting power by said member (s). Attendance at public meetings will not be compensated for unless the specifically voted on by the board. Janette Second. Passed
November/December FID meetings: Paul made motion to combine November and December 2023 meetings to one meeting only, December 6, 2023. Janette second. Passed.
Public comment: None
Adjourn: David motion to adjourn, Paul second. Passed. Janette Rosman, Secretary