Flathead Irrigation District Meeting September 9, 2019
Lake County Community Development Center, Ronan
407 Main Street SW., Ronan. 1:00 PM
Attending Commissioners: David Lake, Dave Vincent, Bruce White, Janette Rosman
Absent: Paul Guenzler
Recording: Janette Rosman for FID and Gene Erb.
Public Attendees: Noted BIA below, Gene Erb, Paul Greico, Ted Heine, Giles Conway-Gordon, Dick Erb and Cassie Dellwo.
Public Comment Limited to One Time 2 minutes per Agenda Item
BIA Report presented by Larry Nelson, Nick Belcourt and Zim Lytle. September budget will be sent out, secretary had emergency leave. BIA officials gave a detailed report on FIIP.
August Minutes: Dave Vincent made motion to approve August minutes. David Lake second. Passed.
Whaley Accounting financial package, Warrants: Dave Vincent made motion to approve warrants. Second by David Lake. Failed. Dave Vincent made motion to approve warrants except for Local Government Services, $1300.00. Bruce Second. Dave Vincent, David Lake, Bruce White voted Yea. Janette Rosman voted Nae. Passed
Warrants that were paid: Black Mountain $1859.00, Montana Dept. of Revenue (Payroll for Janette Rosman, Secretary) $41.00, US Treasure, Aug payroll tax deposit $193.94. Whaley and Assoc., PC monthly fee for FID, $600.00. The accounting firm has increased their fees for all three districts as their duties have increased since they first signed on when we were FJBC, $600.00 per month for all three districts. Whaley Accounting presently does all the updates for FID and changes on Black Mountain Software and balances the number of Irrigated acres with BIA spreadsheet. FID, $600.00 per month.
Note: Montana Local Government Services check for $1300.00 was presented and not approved. Will be brought back to the agenda in October.
FID Admin Fund as of 07/31/19. $665.904.00 O&M Fund: $412,476.00
End of July balances
2017-2018 Audit Proposals: Denning, Downey and Associates, P.C. $9,000.00 and Wipfli LLP $10,800.00 proposals were presented to Commissioners. Dave Vincent made the motion to send an engagement letter to Wipfli, Bruce White second. Passed.
FlatheadIrrigationDistrict.org web site: David Lake made motion to have Michael Hewston maintain FID web site for $65.00 per month. Dave Vincent second. David Lake and Janette Rosman, yea. Dave Vincent and Bruce White Nae, failed.
Public comment:
Have Michael Murphy come back and give a report on Montana Resources.
FID original documents are still at the lawyer’s office in Kalispell. Fredricks.
Has FBI finished their investigation?
Janette made motion to adjourn, Dave Vincent second.
Janette Rosman, Secretary