Flathead Irrigation District Meeting, September 27, 2023
Mission West Community Development Partners
407 Main Street SW., Ronan, Mt. 1:00 PM
Attending commissioners, Paul Guenzler, David Lake, Bruce White, Trent Coleman & Janette Rosman.
Absent: No one.
BIA: Attending were Shane Hendrickson, Sky Cooley, Curtis Yazzie, Nick Belcourt, Carl Clampett and Lacount Koshon. Shane Hendrickson is acting supervisor until new one is hired. These are some of the topics he spoke on. 1. 57 positions and about 50 to 60% filled. 2. Starting a monthly newsletter. Start-up plan is to email it to BIA staff, Irrigation commissioners and irrigators. Email list will be created by Districts. Emailing it in the beginning and may eventually place it on website. He would like feedback on what the irrigators would like to see in newsletter. 3. Still needs to schedule a fall meeting. 4. Wants to “create an annual operating plan.” User guide for the Project. He prioritizes safety and moral and wants to set up leadership training to assist with this process. 4. They are implementing an accountability system – and summary that can go into newsletter (if it is helpful). 5. Limited number of office staffing. He is optimistic about getting more employees. 6. Working on getting more monitoring stations set up., reimplementing “green sheets” by the ditch riders and mapping monitoring stations that are already on the Project. 7. Working on getting a new “snowtell” predicator – just need approval. 8. Working to get specific measurement problems taken care of regarding water accounting.
Present up date on water, Pablo reservoir about 35 feet for stock water. Stock water will be shut off around 10/23/23. Nick Bellcourt: 1. Chemical spread is a full-time job and is not good for the ditch riders to complete. He is hoping to contract some of this process. This would involve creating a treatment plan to be more efficient and effective. 2. Delivery points need to go through the front office and apply there so it is properly documented and put into the system. Going through the ditch rider is not effective practice. Irrigators also need to make sure the installed delivery points are done in accordance with the CFR and Compact. Project is finding that people do not have access to their delivery point because DP on the neighbor’s property. When irrigators come into BIA office they can get on a priority list. WATER USERS NEED TO COME INTO THE OFFICE. An in-person meeting helps avoid miscommunication regarding location of delivery point. If an existing delivery point needs updated, irrigator needs to come in and get an update application. If they do not have “BIA assets” up to code, there will be irrigators not qualified to get their delivery entitlement letter. IT IS VITAL the LANDOWNER must sign delivery update or delivery point install. 3. There are crews at Placid and North Fork feeder brushing out canals. One crew is working on delivery points. BIA is going to attempt to get 1 or more employees at every district meeting.
August minutes: David Lake mad motion to accept August minutes, Trent Coleman, second. Passed
BIA September invoice, $12,924.23 amount due on updated assessments. Janette made motion to pay updated assessments, David Lake second. Passed.
September warrants. Bruce made motion to accept warrants, Trent second. Passed. Click Here Design $55.00, USPS box rent 1 year $100.00, Whaley Accounting $750.00. $516,426 Admin. $545,334 O&M. as of 8/3/2.
Second notice: November/December combined FID meeting, December 6th, 1:00 PM, 407 Main Street SW., Ronan,
Jeremy Reed has responded following September meeting. Blackfoot Capitol gain shares for FID came to $7268.20. FID Blackfoot account number is 95366. Blackfoot Capitol gains will be paid out in shares as their Board sees fit to do so. Capitol Gain account came to Blackfoot’s attention due to FJBC no longer a valid entity, Blackfoot splitting up Capitol gains according to FJBC splits. FID 79.9%, Mission 13.2 % and Jocko 6.9%.
BIA meeting with Shane Hendrickson, Trent reported BIA is seriously looking for new Project Mgr., many vacancies to be filled. What incentives can we offer? Someone in Portland is attempting to make changes in how BIA can hire. 10 employees in past irrigation season were hired thru Tribe.
Public Notice: Chuck Stevens irrigator from Hot Springs presented a letter from Peter Fritsch, a lawyer with Montana Water Court Law, skilled negotiator, public speaker, mediator and problem solver. Graduate of UofM. He has shown interest in being of assistance to FID.
Adjourn: Janette made motion, Trent second. Janette Rosman, Fid commissioner and Fid Secretary.