Flathead Irrigation District, Meeting September 22, 2021
Lake County Extension office meeting/conference room
303 3rd Avenue NW., Ronan, Mt.
Attending commissioners: Paul Guenzler, David Lake, Trent Coleman and Janette Rosman
Absent: Bruce White, excused.
Amendment to the September Agenda: LGS needed two more financial reports and $165.00 for late fees regarding FJBC. LGS had not closed out the FJBC Account even though Judy Day, Whaley Accounting sent them Judge Manley court report dissolving FJBC several years ago. Additional information for this item is posted in the September 2021 meeting folder.
Neither Safety of Dams or BIA were present to give their reports.
August minutes: David Lake made motion to approve August 25th minutes. Trent Coleman second. Passed.
Warrants: Janette Made motion to approve September Warrants, Trent second. Passed.
September warrants were Click Here Designs, $55.00, Five Valleys Law #2746 $1425.00 (Lake County Commissioners Resolution of Intent), Five Valley Law #2747 $382.50 CME, Five Valleys Law #2748 $238.90 FJBC assets. Whaley Accounting $750.00, US Postal box rental for one year $84.00. Total warrants came to $2935.40. Flathead Irrigation Admin Account balance $594,938. Flathead Irrigation O&M $486,645. As of 8/31/21 Balanced with Lake County Treasurer through August 2021. Following the meeting a check number 4484 was written and approved for LGS $165.
Cassie Dellwo: The Court moved quickly regarding the distribution of all FJBC assets. Building is in all three districts names and FJBC percentages: Flathead 79.9%, Mission 13.2%, Jocko 6.9%. The entire FJBC Checking account was distributed to Flathead Irrigation District for $13.204 due to the several thousands of dollars that were not transferred from the Mission and Jocko accounts to pay FJBC warrants that were transferred from Flathead account. Right of 1st refusal is being written up and is the last document to finalizing closing of FJBC.
Cassie has been working with tribe on CME. She has just read thru the old CME paragraphs 1-10 & meeting with Tribal attorney. Paragraphs 11-13 are real concerns; Tribal Council wants to meet with two board members before we go to much further. Chelsea Cowlan is Tribal attorney who will be speaking with Tribal Council. Camas Irrigators Ted Hein and Terry Prongua expressed their concerns and David Lake told them old CME is our framework. We can’t have this thing blow up again. Camas’ irrigators asked to see the draft Cassie was working on and she was willing to send it out to FID commissioners, Ted and Terry.
Cassie updated the commissioners on the Lake County Commissioners Resolution of Intent. The Hearing August 30th, LC Commissioners agreed to table the Resolution of Intent for the time being. The big argument for them was brought forth by Wally Congdon who had a written document that there was no Contract between FID and BIA to do any work. Cassie stated at the that meeting that 1928 Contract and Amendment signed in 1950 gives FID permission and requires County to collect irrigation assessments in the taxes.
Local Government Services (LSG): David Lake made a motion for FID to pay the full bill of $165.00 that is due and get reimbursement from Mission and Jocko according to FJBC percentages. Trent second. Passed
Public Comment: None
Adjourn: David Lake made motion, Trent Coleman second.
Janette Rosman, Secretary