Flathead Irrigation District Meeting, November 16, 2021
Lake County Extension Office
303 3rd Avenue NW., Ronan, Mt.
Attending Commissioners: Paul Guenzler, David Lake, Bruce White and Janette Rosman.
Absent commissioners: Trent Coleman, sick. Excused absence.
Recording: No one.
Safety of Dams No presentation.
BIA: They will be holding their annual meeting at MVP, Pablo. November 18, 6:00 PM.
October Minutes: David Lake made motion to approve October minutes, Bruce White second. Passed
November Warrants: Bruce White made motion to approve warrants, David Lake second. Warrants approved were: Click Here Designs, LLC., $308.00. (Included monthly fee, yearly domain and hosting fee),
Five Valleys Law, PLLC Invoice #2849, $2812.50. Lake county Treasurer, property tax (79.9% St. Ig., office), $143.80. Whaley & Assoc., PC $750.00. Flathead Irrigation ADM., $602,200.00. Flathead O&M $602,969.00 balanced with Lake Co. Treasure through October 2021.
Cassie Dellwo: Update on draft CSKT-CME. Tribal Council had not reviewed draft, there were no Updates.
Cassie shared the biggest topic is having a board structure of all irrigators would irrigators be willing to have another person (Tribe) that has biological opinions? Tribe is in favor of an equal board. Each entity, Tribe would pick their board members and we would pick ours. Tribe likes the fact that we have a resolution process to keep the process moving forward. There was a fair amount of discussion with commissioners and public regarding board size and having a Biologist. Cassie thanked the public for their comments.
David L., Mission and Jocko have sent a letter to the tribe requesting to be a part of negotiating new CME, Tribal council will be discussing it at their Thursday meeting.
Public Comment: Janette, 2019/20 LSG audit was submitted on the portal 11/15/21. We received the bill $8100.00 when I picked up mail on the way to November 16th meeting that was held early due to Thanksgiving. We’re receiving letters from BIA regarding irrigated properties that have been sold. Splits.
Adjourned: Paul made motion, David Second.
Janette Rosman, Secretary