Flathead Irrigation District Meeting, July 8, 2019
Lake County Community Development Center, Ronan
407 Main Street SW., Ronan 1:00 PM
Attending commissioners: Paul Guenzler, David Lake, Dave Vincent and Janette Rosman
Absent: Excused absence, Bruce White.
Recording: Janette Rosman for FID and Gene Erb.
BIA Report: Noted towards the end of minutes.
June Minutes: David Lake made the motion to approve minutes, Dave Vincent second. Passed.
Financial Package from Whaley Accounting:
1. Review and approve 2019 Budget will be addressed at next meeting.
2. Review and approve Admin Budget will be addressed at next meeting.
3. Review and approve warrants including BIA O&M Bill. O&M Bill was $1, 472, 267, 94. Leaving a balance of $78,649.06. Warrants Six month Mileage and $100.00 per meeting payment for commissioners. Those totals were: Paul Guenzler $637.00, David Lake $684.00, Janette Rosman $1,069.00 (Paid for picking up warrants, delivering warrants back to Polson for each meeting and posting agenda at District office).
Dave Vincent $690.00, Bruce White $463.00. The following warrants were also paid: Montana Association of Counties (MACO) insurance, $2796.00 and Whaley & Assoc. additional $2,250.00 balancing acreage, and monthly Whaley Accounting bill $479.40. Total Warrants $9,068.40. BIA O&M Bill $1,472,267.94.
Dave Vincent made the motion to pay the warrants, David Lake second. Passed.
Janette Rosman made the motion to pay O&M Bill. Dave Lake second. Passed.
Susan Lake requested that the Irrigators receive a draft copy of the minutes & financials at the same time agenda is sent out before each meeting. None of the commissioners present had a problem with that request. Janette has made a request with Whaley Accounting to get Financials by Friday noon.
Cassie Dellwo: Filing a Notice of Appearance in the Camas Petition and entering into a stipulation with their counsel agreeing that we do not need to file a dispositive response to the petition. Cassie explained FID does not have to say FID is for or against Camas petition to form their own district because there is nothing requested of FID. The Judge required the Petition before he would do any filing regarding Camas District separation from FID. Cassie stated it is a way of keeping our cost down at this time.
Cassie would like to have the freedom to respond to legal items regarding her representing FID in Camas petition to form their own district, if there is no material effect to FID Janette would like Cassie to consult with Paul before she uses her authority to make decisions for FID. David Lake made a motion to give Cassie the freedom to respond to Camas legal counsel as long as it does not affect the irrigators in financial way. Dave V., discretionary authority. Janette second, passed.
Cassie has drawn up termination designee, address changes and adding a designee forms. David Lake made the motion to approve forms, Dave Vincent second. Passed.
Comprehensive Review request of BIA with Senator Daines. Paul stated, “Last month we passed a motion to have a Comprehensive Review of BIA. Ron Catlan of Senator Daines office contacted me ( Paul) last week regarding some questions on Comprehensive Review and the effects of them. Catlan had two comparisons and I will just read them. Comprehensive Review provides a very thorough look at project practices & though broader but not in depth as GAO. No cost to irrigators, done internally by BIA. Carries no risk to irrigators of O&M fee. Would take 9-18 months to complete. GAO report provides a thorough look of BIA practices, particularly to O&M fees and CME money. Can be done at no cost to irrigators, is done independently of BIA. Carries a Risk that due to the condition of the project and it’s issues GAO may come back saying irrigators should be paying higher O&M fees. Takes 18-24 months to complete. Ron Catlan stated we could in theory request both depending on irrigators sentiment and how willing BIA is to be forth coming. Please reach out for further questions. Ron Catlan, Senator Daines office.
Paul read this sentence again, “GOA carries the risk that due to the condition of the project & ESA Issues.” Paul said he thinks the other two districts want us behind them is what Ron is saying. David L made motion we table it. Janette Second. Passed.
Ted Heine requested FID pay for a FOIE on BIA, written up by Cassie for distribution of water in
A Canal, Camas main artery. Their reason for request: Should they have to defend the water usage during Water Court Hearing they would have a historical water document. A fair amount of time and discussion was spent on the agenda item. In the end David Lake suggested we ask for information first and table today’s agenda action item. David Lake made motion that Bruce ask for information for his district before we vote on a FOIE. Dave Vincent second. Passed NOTE: at the end of the meeting Pete Plant came in and the subject was brought up requesting a flow data for Camas A Canal. Pete told Ted to come in and talk to him, he has it.
Public Comment:
Gene Erb, Skip Palmer and Ted Heine spoke up. No Action items were discussed/voted on.
BIA officers came into the meeting and entered the discussion. Pete said, come in and talk to me regarding Palmer& Heine concerns.
BIA Report Larry, Zim, Pete, and Nick came late to the meeting as they were out checking a canal in Moiese they maybe shutting down October 1st to do some work on it.
Someone asked what’s the status on the pumps? .There is two operating pumps and one pump is under emergency repair. Nick stated #2 pump has some thrust bearings in need of repairs. (One of the two that is working). The winter project will be to work on all three pumps. Nick said he would like to look at all three propellers, there are more vibrations coming out of them.
Pete said we are having a better year for water than he thought we would be. The rain helped. Not a whole lot of water has been used by the irrigators. Pete suggested Ted come in and talk to him about the flow data on Camas A Canal. .
Janette made motion to adjourn, David Lake second.