Flathead Irrigation District Meeting, January 24, 2024
407 Main Street SW., Ronan, Mt 1:00 PM
Attending Commissioners: Paul Guenzler, Bruce White, Trent Coleman and Janette Rosman.
Missing: David Lake excused.
BIA: Eric Bruguier, spoke about going back to the basic fundamentals, tracking irrigation water, being accountable to each other, especially with possibility of Water shortage. It’s important that we start getting ready with good communication and dialog. The front door to his office is open, come in an address the issues. Skye, BIA hydrologist, not filling reservoirs now, hold over in Pablo at ½ capacity & used for early irrigation season. Ninepipe, Bitteroot etc., minimum levels. Snotel site states we are not near where we need to be. Nick Belcourt stated we are in the middle of layoffs and doing pre-casting, feeder canal boxes & head gates. Eric, will set a date to review budget with Commissioners. He is trying to hire five office members. He ordered five more work trucks and there will be four operating dump trucks this upcoming season.
CITT, Ryan Casey: (Compact Implementation Technical Team). Falls creek bid closing. Jocko right away is challenging. Feeder canal, North Fork just received a bid. Crow pump, Charlo service area benefits irrigators catching off season irrigation water. In stream flows have to be at 12 CFS. Crow Creek pump is down, that structure needs to be completely modernized. Nick Belcourt stated the cost of that is above my procurement card. $20-$80 thousand. BIA has gone to the tribe to for Compact dollars and hasn’t heard back yet. Ryan responded, CITT is working with engineer firm to design Crow Creek plant and Pumping plant slope. Ryan too spoke about snow pack concern. Mission valley is at 57% and Western Montana reporting low snow pack as well.
Montana Water Resources Association: Mike Murphy, executive director of MWRA for 40 years came and spoke to FID to help us understand the importance of how FID benefits by being a member of MWRA. MWRA has been inexistence since 1943. It is a private association with most of the members being irrigation entities. MWRA is a legislative advocate for not only protecting water rights but also advocate and supporter of Agriculture needs in our Communities. Especially during Montana legislative years. Following Mikes presentation Paul made a motion to pay our dues $5045.00. Immediately. (Invoice came in the end of December). Janette second, passed unanimously. Paid Warrant will appear in February Warrant list. None of the male commissioners were able to attend Fairmont Hot Springs annual conference. Janette is contemplating and will have discussion with Curt.
November/December joint meeting minutes: Bruce made motion to accept minutes, Trent second. Passed.
BIA 1st half assessment invoice: $1,709,399.07 Bruce made motion to pay 1st half assessments, Trent second. Passed.
January Warrants: Janette made motion to pay January warrants, Paul second. Passed. CHD $55., Five Valley Law #5072 $258., Payroll tax deposit $131.40, Mt withholding tax $14., Whaley & Assoc. $750., Wipfli (audit), $6500. We received the audit bill but have not received the audit. Janette is holding onto Wipfli paid warrant until we have a copy of 2021/2022 audit.
Resolution 2024-1 District 1 Election: Paul made motion to approve the Resolution, Bruce second. Passed.
Corner Stone Faith Center requesting use of District office: Bruce made the motion CSFC next to District office building in Saint Ignatius be able to use FID, Mission and Jocko office building when the church provides insurance coverage. Email has been sent to District office stating our approval when church has it added church insurance.
Public comment: none
https://www.csktwatercompact.com/ Two web sites that give you updates on FIIP. JRosman/Secretary/Commissioner