Flathead Irrigation District Meeting, February 28, 2024
407 Main Street SW., Ronan, Mt. 1:00 PM
Attending Commissioners: Paul Guenzler, Trent Coleman, Bruce White and Janette Rosman.
Absent: David Lake excused.
BIA : Eric Bruguier, “Many of the ISO’s came back on February 26th., and Eric is actively working on employment for 2024 irrigation season. Eric has visited with SCKT regarding internships for BIA employees. Water levels in reservoirs continue to be a big concern. Ryan Casey stated snow pack at 74%. The further North you go the snow pack gets better. South 78-79% Moss Creek, North Fork Jocko 62%. Historic low snow pack levels recorded in Western Montana.
CITT agendas, projects and meetings are online at: https://dnrc.mt.gov/Water-Resources/Compacts/Compact-Implementation-Technical-Team. CITT and DNRC continue to work on Stock Water implementation. David Lake and Paul Guenzler have attended recent meetings. The meetings are open to the public and public concerns can be addressed at the end of the meetings. Casey Ryan trying to solve use of stock Water funding (4M for stock water deliveries). Who would be eligible for that funding? FIIP Stock water, Mission Valley, that’s where most of the conversation has been discussed. Paul and Trent agree there needs to be discussion for Livestock people in other areas. DNRC, Maya and Heather are starting to map Stock Water deliveries. Stock Water is based off of quota. Ryan Casey, start thinking where SW needs to be. Focus on target areas for SW., some areas there is no off season SW. April 15-September 15th water right from A canal. Unable to deliver water after 9/15. Paul, There are some who may not want SW.. Bruce White question why water in Hot Springs was not collected when there was a run-off? They have always collected water and it’s critical to do so. BIA questioned how difficult it is to collect water in the winter and will have a discussion with his crew.
Katey Finley, CSKT Aquatic Endangered Species (AIS): September 22 Pablo reservoir was tested by CSKT Natural Resources and Eurasion Watermilfoil was present. Impacting native vegetation and blocking sunlight deteriorating water quality. On March 7th, Polson Library at 12:30 there will be a meeting on how to manage weed before spreading. SCKT is working with aquatic expert out of Missoula and FIIP is treating canal for invasive species weed.
January minutes: Bruce made motion to accept January minutes, Trent second, Passed
February Warrants: Bruce made motion to accept Feb. warrants, Trent second. Passed. CHD $55., FiveVlyLaw No invoice, Mt UI-5 Jan 30, $1.29, Whaley Acct $750. Mt Water Resources Assoc., dated (1/24/23) annual dues $5045., Janette Rosman Reimburse MWRA Fairmont $635.98. $6,487.27 Total.
Flathead Irrigation Admin-$501,832. Flathead O&M $921,048.
Cassiie, Five Valley Law, discussion was held regarding 501©12 status, and FID does not qualify.
Wipfli: FID has not received the State audit that is past due. We have a check for Wipfli and will pay the invoice when we receive a copy of the audit. Late fees have not been addressed.
MWRA: Janette Rosman attended MWRA annual meeting in Fairmont when other commissioners were unable to attend. CSKT has donated funds to MWRA in past years. I encouraged BIA and CITT to attend their annual meeting. BIA gets invited every year. Featured speaker was water court Judge McElyea.
Public Comment: Department of Justice check for J. Clark came in and was deposited with county.2/28.
Karl Sutton, Mission West Community Dev., gave a short presentation on Rural energy for America Program. His information was sent out to irrigators. Meeting Adjourn: Motion Paul, Trent 2nd.
Janette Rosman, secretary/commissioner