Flathead Irrigation District Meeting, February 24, 2021
Lake County Extension Office
303 3rd Ave NW., Ronan, Mt. 1:00 PM
Attending Commissioners: Paul Guenzler, Bruce White, Dave Vincent and Janette Rosman.
Absent: David Lake, approved.
Pledge No Recordings
Whaley Accounting: Jim Whaley and Judy Day attended our meeting and gave us a quick review of the monthly financials they do for FID. In the future they will only be providing FID Warrants on the spreadsheet. In the past spreadsheet includes all three districts warrants.
January Minutes: Bruce White made the motion to accept the minutes with two corrections. Dave Vincent Second. Passed. Two corrections will be made and noted in the minutes: First change under BIA: Nick has been going thru vaults. Nick has hydrology tech. going thru vaults taking pictures of maps. Second change: under minutes: David Lake mad made motion to approve….
February Warrants: Dave Vincent made motion to accept warrants, Bruce White second. Passed. Approved warrants were: Click Here Designs, LLC. $55.00. Five Valley Law, PLLC., $100.00. Montana Water Resources Assoc., $4900.00. Whaley & Assoc., PC. $750.00. Flathead ADM acct., balance $618.880.00. Flathead O&M acct., $829,366.00.
Cassie Dellwo: Mission and Jocko Districts had not responded to FID response regarding Mission and Jocko’s most current response (noted in February minutes dissolving of FJBC assets) and therefor there was no discussion taken.
LSG Audit for 2019-2020: Wayne Hiett, Wipfli, has agreed to do FID Audit for 2019/2020, Wipfli has agreed to reduce the estimated cost from $9500 to $8000. Bruce White made the motion to accept Wipfli $8000 bid to do 2019/2020 audit. Janette Rosman, second. Passed.
CME II: Richard Erb presented an “CME 2 Development Tasks and Timetable Preliminary Draft” with CME2 Tasks and timelines to each commissioner. Following the meeting each commissioner was emailed Cooperative Management Options document that was presented at FID Spring meeting in 2020.
It is stated in S.3019. Section 13. Miscellaneous Provisions. (1) COOPERATIVE OPERATION and MAINTENANCE OF FLATHEAD INDIAN IRRIGATION PROJECT. (1) AGREEMENT WITH SECRETARY. On receipt of a joint request from the Tribes and 1 more irrigation districts within the Flathead Indian irrigation project, the Secretary shall enter into an agreement with the Tribes and the irrigation districts for the cooperative operation and maintenance of the Flathead Indian Irrigation project, or any portion of the Flathead Indian irrigation project, under such form of organization and under such conditions as may be acceptable to the Secretary.
Public Comment: Janette said she received a phone call from Karen Driscoll, Payne West-MacO Insurance. Janette sent her the Admin and O&M Budgets she was looking for and answered yes and no questions. Karen Driscoll asked if FID had an Employee Handbook? I said no. There was discussion if FID needed an Employee Handbook and Cassie stated if we were to have one keep it simple, a handbook does require an employee review. Someone stated because Janette is a board member, she is covered under board insurance and not aware we need a handbook. It was also decided to meet at County Extension office for the next three months.
Adjourn: Dave Vincent made motion to Adjourn, Paul Second.
Janette Rosman, Secretary