Flathead Irrigation District, February 10, 2020
Lake County Community Development Center
407 Main Street, Ronan, Mt. 59864
Attending FID Commissioners: Paul Guenzler, David Lake, Dave Vincent, Bruce White & Janette Rosman.
Absent: No one.
Pledge. Recording: Janette for FID.
Bia Report: Larry Nelson, Zim Lyttle and Nick Belcourt gave reports. Laurence sent BIA budget and it is on file with minutes. 85% of assessed acres is non-trust land. Trust land pay O&M fees. Two new UTV’s for spraying were purchased. There is an above average snow pack, high mountain range. Hots Springs snow pack is low. Nick recommended we check out U-tube to view Weed Cleaning bucket for ditches.
January Minutes: Dave Vincent made motion to approve minutes with corrections. David Lake second. Passed.
Whaley Accounting package was presented. Motion was made to accept warrants by David Lake, Second by Dave Vincent. Passed.
February Warrants: Whaley Accounting $600.00, Click Here Design $55.00, Montana Water Resources 2020 dues $4900.00. Reimburse Janette Rosman for Brother Ink cartridge $112.39. Total: $5667.39
As of December31, 2019-Flathead Irrigation Administration: $649,834.00
Flathead Irrigation O&M: $2,070,107.00
Flathead Joint Board: $12,907.00
Washington DC funds: David Lake made motion to approve $6,000.00 for couple of FID irrigators/commissioners attend hearings in Washington, D.C. Second by Dave Vincent, Passed.
By-Law-Section 7, Secretary. Second reading of Bylaw change.
Section 7. Secretary
2. The Secretary shall collect all charges and assessments of the District, shall be
responsible for preservation and maintenance of all funds, securities and related
items of the District and shall maintain full and complete books of accounting
with respect thereto. The Board may outsource bookkeeping and financial
responsibilities. The Secretary shall deposit funds of the District in such banks or
other depositories and in such manner as is provided in these Bylaws, as directed
by the Board, or as required by law.
2. The secretary shall collect all non-assessment debts to the district. Lake County
shall collect all assessments of the District and related sums of the District. The
secretary shall maintain full and complete books of accounting with respect thereto
or the Board may outsource bookkeeping and financial responsibilities. The secretary
shall deposit funds of the District in such banks or other depositories and in such manner
as provided in these Bylaws, as directed by the Board, or as required by law.
Agenda Posting: Janette made motion that FID agenda be posted on Lake County Community Development
Building where FID is presently holding their meetings, David Lake second. Passed.
Montana Water Resource Annual Meeting: David Lake attended MWRA 2020 annual meeting, February 5-7, Fairmont Hots Springs. Steve Hughes retired and David Lake was seated on the board representing Flathead Irrigation District. There are 24 MWRA Board members. David stated Tim Fox is water attorney and MWRA could possibly save FID some legal fees if needed.
Public Comment: Ron Catlett will be at Pachyderm meeting, February 28th at noon.
Adjourn: Dave Vincent made motion, David Lake second.
Janette Rosman, FID secretary.