Flathead Irrigation District Meeting,
December 22, 2021. 1:00 PM
Lake County Extension Office, back door
303 3rd Avenue NW., Ronan, Mt.
Attending Commissioners: Paul Guenzler, David Lake, Bruce White, Trent Coleman and Janette Rosman.
Absent: No one.
Recording: No one.
Neither Safety of Dams or BIA were present.
November minutes: David Lake made motion to approve November minutes. Bruce White Second. Passed.
December Warrants: Bruce White made motion to approve November warrants. Trent Coleman, second. Passed. Janette made motion to pay O&M Bill, due January 15, 2022 for $1,471,125.29. David Lake second. Passed. November Warrants: Click Here Designs, LLC. $55.00, Five Valleys Law invoice # 3046 $1125.00, Invoice #3047 $43.00. Whaley and Assoc. PC $750.00, WIPFLI 2019-2020 GSA audits $8100.00. Commissioner meeting and mileage warrants: Paul Guenzler $636.96, David Lake $667.20, Trent Coleman $453.76, Bruce White $813.60, Janette Rosman $1022.24 (includes picking up warrants and delivering them back to Polson, posting agenda and trip to Thompson Falls for filing Assessment fees in Sanders County). Janette Rosman 2021 payroll July thru December $1077.20. Total warrants $14,856.46.
BIA O&M bill for first half of 2022 $1,471.125.29.
Cassie Dellwo: Flathead Irrigation Management Board Update: Cassie, Paul and Trent (in place of David lake who was unable to attend) held another meeting with Tribal attorneys. The biggest two items discussed were Articles of Incorporation and By-laws. Draft form of Articles for organization has not been voted on by the Tribe. Cassie discussed Two Step process for joint entity with the Tribe. 1. Articles & 638 contract. 2. By-laws. The reason being while Articles & 638 are sent to Dept. of Interior Cassie can be working and reviewing By-laws with Commissioners. Following our discussions, Cassie asked Commissioners, “Is 638 something FID Commissioners are willing to work with?” There was a fair amount of discussion regarding 638 contract and it was mentioned the Tribe wants to move forward with a 638. BIA is unable to Co-op with irrigators. David Lake made the motion to proceed forward with the Tribe and 638 Contract. Janette Rosman Second. Those voting Yea, Trent, David, Paul and Janette. Abstaining Bruce. Passed.
Cassie asked if the FID Commissioners were willing to move forward and vote on the Two Step Process. Decision was made to hold a Special Meeting January 6th, Thursday giving us more time to review Articles and make a decision.
2022 Election Resolution for District 4 and 2: Bruce made a motion to accept 2022-4 Flathead Irrigation District Resolution calling for District 2 Charlo and District 4 Polson Commissioner elections in 2022. Trent second. Passed.
Public Comment: Janette reported :1. Whalley Accounting has finished the Census report due in December. 2. Wipfli bill came in following our November meeting with interest. I emailed Wayne Hiett concerning late invoice and 30 days before we meet again. He responded he would waiver the late billing charges. 3. Today
Wipfli 2019-2020 LGS audit and Resolution for Election will be recorded at Lake County courthouse.
4. Discussed concerns regarding Montgomery and Calhoon irrigation charges. Commissioners instructed me to not move forward and let Cassie take care of it.
Adjourn: Janette made motion to adjourn, Bruce seconded.
Janette Rosman, Secretary