Flathead Irrigation District Meeting August 12, 2019
Lake County Community Development Center, Ronan
407 Main Street SW., Ronan. 1:00 PM
DRAFT COPY of August 12th meeting
Will not be approved until September board meeting.
Attending Commissioners: Paul Guenzler, David Lake, Dave Vincent, Bruce White, & Janette Rosman
Absent: None
Recording: Janette Rosman FID and Gene Erb.
Public Attendees: Leroy Lake, Gene Erb, Mary Mathiedais, Oliver Smith, Cassie Dellwo, Susan Lake. BIA: Lawrence Nelson Sr., Nick Belcourt and Zim Lytle.
Installation of officers: David L., made motion to leave present serving officers in place. Paul Guenzler, chairman, David Lake v. chairman, Janette Rosman, secretary. Second by Dave Vincent. Passed unanimously.
BIA Report: Larry Nelson Sr. is presently BIA project manager for next four months while Pete Plant has been detailed to the Wapato Irrigation Project in Yakima. Zim Lytle, ISO for FIIP reported they will be reevaluating the end of August where water and how much water will be available the remainder of irrigation season. Nick reported two pumps on river had extensive testing done by HDR and looking into rebuilding motors or go to 2 stage pump that will be very expensive. Nick is unable to locate a used switch to get pump 3 operating and is looking into to purchasing new switch gear for all three pumps. It would take 61/2 months to replace switches. FIIP will be making decisions by end of August on how to move forward regarding repairs. BIA has gone back to Maxi Mo software that generates a cost for repairs being done on FIIP Project.
July Minutes: David Lake made motion to approve July Minutes as presented, Dave Vincent second, Passed unanimously.
Signing and approving Admin and O&M Resolutions.
1. Dave Vincent made motion to decrease Admin Assessment fees to ZERO dollars per acre. David Lake second. Passed unanimously. Note Resolution 2019-2. Admin fees.
2. David Lake made a motion to accept yearly $33.50 per acre O&M fees. Second by Janette Rosman. Passed unanimously. Note Resolution 2019-3. O&M.
Financial Package:
1. 2019 Budget has already been approved.
2. Motion was made by Dave Lake, second by Bruce White to approve Administrative Fund Fiscal 2020 Budget. Passed unanimously.
3. Motion was made by Dave Vincent, second by Janette Rosman to approve Flathead Irrigation District 2020 O&M Budget. Passed unanimously.
4. Review of warrants: Janette Rosman pay check from April thru June. $1129.53. Lake County Elections, $2062.41, Five Valleys Law Firm $80.00, Five Valleys Law Firm $800.00. Whaley Accounting $479.40. Total $4551.34.
David Lake made the motion to accept/pay warrants. Paul Guenzler second. Passed unanimously.
Flathead Irrigation ADM balance $667,941.00. O&M Balance $1,805,271.00.
As of June 30, 2019.
2018-2019 Audit: Dave Vincent requested FID to send out additional bids to complete audit for 2018/19 and those bids to be returned to FID within two weeks. Then decide to call for Special Meeting. If no additional bids come in address the one audit bid at September meeting. David Lake second, passed unanimously.
Word Press class: David Lake made the motion for FID to pay for Janette Rosman to attend a Word Press class with fees of $133.00 and Janette to pay for the mileage. Class is in Missoula. Bruce White second. Paul, Janette, David L., and Bruce voted yea. Dave Vincent voted nae. Passed.
Paul reported his conversation with FBI regarding fraud case.
No public opinion.
Dave Vincent made the motion to adjourn, David Lake second.