Flathead Irrigation District Meeting April 26, 2023
Mission West Community Development Partners
407 Main Street SW., Ronan, Mt. 1:00 PM
Attending: Paul Guenzler, David Lake, Bruce White, Trent Coleman, Janette Rosman. No one Absent.
BIA: Dan Olsen attended meeting and stated, “Run off has not started, 96% snow level in some sites, Hot Springs water is coming down slowly. BIA is behind in maintenance, Crow Dam will need to be manned daily for 30 days, Bruce asked about Hot Springs leakage and Dan stated the just sent a machine to HS. Olsen stated they are going to pipe Valley View to gain 5’ of water. He also answered Cassie’s question regarding Tribe doing emergency hire, up to 6 people now. He is attempting to get 4 employees detailed to Hot Springs. BIA will not allow non-CDL drivers. You can operate a back hoe, can’t haul it. Bia will not be doing any burning this spring. Hydrologist has been hired, presently 28 employees. Twp water masters, Dan Olsen North, Curtis Yazzie South. Koshan LaCount attended April meeting, Lead Ditch Rider.
Oath of Office: Paul Guenzler and Bruce White were elected by acclamation and sworn in at this meeting.
Election of officers: David Lake make motion to accept present slate of officers, Bruce Second, Passed. Paul Guenzler, Chairman, David Lake Vice Chairman, Janette Rosman secretary all accepted their duties.
March Minutes: David Lake made motion to accept March minutes, Trent Coleman, second. Passed
April Warrants: Bruce made motion accept April Warrants, Janette second. Passed. CHD $55.00, Five Valley Law, #4187 $592.50, MWRA $5045.00, Whaley Acct., $750.00, Total $6442.50. Cash Balances per register as of 3/31/23: Admin $529,826.00, O&M $953,164.00.
Discussion on 2024 rate increase was put on hold until May meeting. Needed to be reworded to be an action item.
Wipfli 2021 and 2022 LSG Audit contract was presented. Janette Rosman made motion to approve, David Lake second. Passed. (Financial cost was approved in April).
Payne West Insurance: Bruce White made motion to accept $1425.00 for liability insurance. Janette second. Passed. (It was noted following April meeting, District office in St. Ignatius was not included in FID contract and will be discussed and voted on changes at May meeting. Financial and verbiage).
County Commissioners and DOR have reached an agreement. DOR will input the assessments for tax statements and County Commissioners have approved assessments to be collected via tax statement. Resolution 21-20 has been rescinded. Baron and Stanley approved motion, Decker opposed.
CITT: David Lake gave a report on CITT meeting held this spring. If there is to be an entity for Project there needs to be an irrigator appointed to CITT. Duane Weible supports forming Project entity.
Public Comment: Have quarterly meetings? Meeting adjourned. Janette Rosman, secretary.