Flathead Irrigation District,. May 25,2022 minutes
Mission West Community Development Partners
407 Main Street SW., Ronan, Mt. 1:00 PM
Attending Commissioners: Everyone.
Absent: No One.
Pledge. No one recording.
Meeting started by amending the agenda, Installation of officers was added as an action item.
BIA. Larry Nelson gave a report. Water has not started to come down off the mountain due to cooler days this spring. Charlo irrigators have been unable to irrigate due to low water levels in reservoirs. Larry stated was hopeful irrigation water in Charlo district would be flowing by June 10th. Irrigators can track instream flows on their phones. Web site is: https://cskt.aquaticinformatics.net. Pumps on river are not presently running and waiting for parts from venders, thinking only one week out.
Janette Rosman made motion to accept the Installation Oaths of David Lake and Janette Rosman. Elected commissioners May 2022 election by acclamation. Trent Coleman second. Passed
David Lake made motion to accept the present slate of officers, Paul Guenzler, chairman. David Lake, Vice chairman, Janette Rosman, Secretary. Trent second. Passed.
April minutes: David Lake made motion to accept minutes, Bruce White second. Passed
Warrants: Bruce White made motion to accept May Warrants, David Lake second. Passed. Warrants presented were Click Here Designs, $55.00, Five Valleys Law #3429, $1442.50, Lake County Community Center$75.00, Mt. State fund $375.00, Whaley Accounting $750.00, Local Government Services (2021 annual report) $1300.00. Total $3997.94. Flathead Admin., $570,217.00. Flathead O&M $1,032,243.00.
Update on negotiation with Tribe: There have been no big movements due to scheduling stated Cassie. There still needs to be a meeting regarding employment between BIA, Tribe and FID. David and Cassie meeting with Ryan R. and possibly one Tribe member to outline and define what has been done. Emergency hires will be trainees. Ted Heine wanted to know who’s representing everyone especially 638? Cassie, David and Paul and no decision made on 638. Hot Springs has representation, Bruce White is their commissioner.
Trent Coleman made motion to postpone Admin & O&M fees/budgets until June. Bruce White second
Cassie presented draft copy of letter from FID Commissioners regarding 2023 O&M rate increase. Letter to be placed on Federal Register to keep the funds the same, $33.50 per acre. O&M/Admin fees will be voted on at June meeting.
David Lake made motion to compensate Janette Rosman for assisting Renee (Mission/Jocko secretary) to organize documents in vault to be digitalize Bruce Second. Passed
Pubic Comment:
David Lake made motion to adjourn, Janette Second. Janette Rosman, secretary