Flathead Irrigation District, May 11, 2020 Minutes
Virtual Meeting set up by Cassie Dellwo
Amended minutes
Attending Commissioners: Paul Guenzler, David Lake, Dave Vincent, Bruce White and Janette Rosman
Public attendees: Cassie Dellwo, Susan Lake, Mary Matthias, Larry Nelson BIA and one other that I was unable to hear his name.
Recording: Cassie and Janette.
Oath of Office for Paul Guenzler and Bruce White uncontested election for three-year term in May, 2020
Were sworn in. Paul and Bruce FID (Janette) needs your notarized form to be recorded at Courthouse and for FID Files.
Larry Nelson gave BIA report. 10 employees, four of them being ditch riders are presently on Covid-19 leave because of health concerns they already have or they are of the most vulnerable age bracket for Covid-19. Maintenance crews have been working on project repairs on Rose Lane and Moiese Canal leak. (amended)
Slate of officers: David Lake made motion to accept the slate of officers we had in 2019. Paul Guenzler Chairman, David Lake Vice-chair, Janette Rosman Secretary. Dave Vincent Second, Passed.
March Minutes: Dave Vincent made motion we accept March minutes (April meeting was cancelled due to Covid19), David Lake Second, Passed.
Warrants: May warrants were: Whaley & Associates monthly accounting fee for April and May $1200.00.
Click Here Design for April and May $110.00. Montana State Fund $335.21. Dave Vincent made motion to accept the warrants, Bruce White Second. Passed.
Justice Dept. report regarding J. Clark: Paul suggested that secretary, Janette, get online for Victim Witness reports regarding the case. Janette will only be receiving updates from District Court to report back to commissioners.
Blackfoot Water Court: Cassie reported that when a new lawyer comes on board with Water Court, they have to report it to all those involved. Flathead District being one of them.
Blackfoot Telephone Dividend Check $297.00 for 2019: The check was made out to FJBC and sent to Mission and Jocko. Ray Swensen asked how Flathead would like to handle the check. Janette checked FID records and we participated in paying Blackfoot phone bill thru May 2019. There was discussion the check needs to be deposited in FJBC bank account until Judge reopens case and distributes Property/Assets between the three districts.
Public Comment: There was none.
Adjourn: Dave Vincent made motion to Adjourn, Bruce White second.
Janette Rosman,
Secretary FID