Flathead Irrigation District, February 23, 2022
Monthly meeting at 1:00 PM
Lake County Community Center, back door
303 3rd Ave. NW., Ronan, Mt.
Attending Commissioners: Paul Guenzler, Bruce White, Janette Rosman. David Lake via phone.
Absent: Trent Coleman, calving. Excused.
Pledge: Recording/no one.
January 26 minutes: Bruce White moved that January 26th minutes be approved. Paul second. Passed
February 8th Special Meeting: Janette moved that Feb 8th minutes be approved. Bruce second. Passed.
Warrants¨ Bruce moved that we accept February warrants, Paul second. Passed. Warrants presented were: Click Here Designs $55.00, Five Valleys Law Inv 3095 $2,115.00, Lake County Community Center $300.000 rent (January meeting, two meeting in February and March meeting at $75.00 each). Lake County Community Center DEPOSIT $500.00 will be returned when we no longer meet at Lake County Community Center. Janette Rosman $219.33, reimbursements for meeting room, postal fee to Register BIA payment, recording fees and notary at courthouse fee. Whaley Accounting $750.00. Total Warrants $3,939.33. February meeting we approved paying MWRA fees for $4900.00. Whaley Acct. made check out Paul and Janette signed it and it was sent to MWRA and appears on March Warrants or it would have been past due. FID Admin $582,970.00. FIIP O&M $833,603.00 as of 1/31/2022.
Montana Water Resources Assoc. fees: David Lake moved to approve paying $4900.00 yearly fees to Montana Water Resources Association. Paul Second. David, Paul and Janette yea. Bruce nay. Passed.
Update on Tribal Council Vote on Article of Formation and 638 Agreement. Cassie Dellwo; The Tribe wanted more time to review the documents and has not voted on the two documents. Therefore it is impossible to get something together for upcoming irrigation season. Tribe is concerned about jobs being filled for the upcoming irrigation season. The Tribe has initiated the process of meeting with the BIA regarding the upcoming irrigation season and would like the FID to be involved with the meeting. It was suggested that two FID commissioners or one commissioner and an irrigator meet with Tribe and BIA to work through a Plan of Action. Cassie stated there is no longer an urgency to get documents to Dept. of Interior and we can put Articles and By-laws together as one document. She also emphasized FID, BIA and Tribe working together in hiring this season employees.
Selection Process for FID board members on the FIIP Board of Directors. A general conversation was held regarding possible scenarios and a request from input from members attending on how the FID should proceed with selecting the “BOD” members from the FID. Suggestions were, “Rotating each Division, Appointee from different Divisions, Application get the best with rotation of 5 Divisions.” No vote taken.
Establishing a Vote for the Contract with CSKT to operate the FIIP: Cassie advised the board and the public that there have been requests to hold a vote regarding the pending agreement with the Tribe and the potential 638 agreement with the BIA. There was a general discussion between the Commissioners and the public in attendance. Duane Weible indicated he did not believe a vote was necessary. Terry Prongua indicated he believed a vote was necessary. After being asked, Cassie advised that there is no statutory requirement to hold a vote on contracts with the Tribe. Dick Erb also indicated he supported a vote by the irrigators and requested a summary of the contract(s) and meeting with full presentation prior to the vote being held. David Lake made a motion to table agenda item. Bruce second. Passed.
County Commissioners response to FID meeting charges: County Commissioners have denied FID request to reduce $75.00 charges to $50.00 in regards to meeting at Lake County Community Center in Ronan. Meeting room charges will be $75.00 verses $25.00 we have paid in the past. Need to note the contract with Lake County we were never provided, states smaller meeting room $75.00 per day.
Public comment: Let Ditch riders know their jobs are secure and that they will receive comparable pay and benefits upon any transaction. Adjourn: Paul made motion to adjourn, Janette second.
Janette Rosman, Secretary