Flathead Irrigation District, August 28, 2024 Minutes
Mission West Community Development Partners
407 Main Street, Ronan, Mt. 1:00 PM
Attending Commissioners: Paul Guenzler, David Lake, Bruce White, Trent Coleman & Janette Rosman.
Absent: Noone.
BIA : Most of the information relayed to irrigators by Nick Belcourt can be found in FIIP’s August newsletter posted on [flatheadirrigationdistrict.org]. The letter also has reports from Eric Bruguier, Project Manager, Brenda Shepard, Administration, Brian Healy South District Water Master and Koshon Lacounte North District Water Master, and CSKT. Nick clarified that the announcement about the last page was a group effort and not written by one individual. Skye Cooley gave a report on the Current Reservoir Volumes. Nick also stated there are no restriction on Hot Springs and how BIA diverts water. BIA sent out an email announcing water shut downs for the season today. Nick stated there were many letters from irrigators under FIIP including Tribal Irrigators concerned about shutting down of stock water on September 15, 2024. The issue was taken up by Tribal Council. Tribal Council agreed not to enforce CSKT’s Tribal Water Right for off-season stock water deliveries this year. This will allow stock water users to make plans for off-season stock water in the coming years. Nick stated that stock water for the remaining season of 2024 will depend on amount of water available.
CITT: Maya talked about the CITT’s progress on developing a stock water mitigation grant program. She stated that the total amount of money available is $4 mil with a maximum amount of $200,000 available per project. Maya stated stock producers with FIIP assessed acres on the Flathead Reservation will be eligible to apply for grant funding. She mentioned that tentatively the application process will open in October of this year and that she and Heather McAdams will come to the Reservation to help people with applications. She said that the grant program is moving on a fast timeline so that stock producers can hopefully get projects to supplement off-season stock water started before the end of the 2025 irrigation season. Maya also said that the irrigation districts will be notified once the grant application process has been finalized.
June Minutes: David Lake made motion to accept June minutes. Bruce White, second. Passed.
July Minutes: Bruce White mad motion to accept July minutes, Trent Coleman, second. Passed
Approve August Warrants: Janette made motion to accept August Warrants, David Lake Second, passed. August Warrants: Click Here Designs, LLC., #4175, $55.00, Whaley & Assoc., PC., #4176 $750.00, Local Gov. Services, #4177 $130.00. Total $935.00. Admin $486,792.00 (as of July 31,20240. O&M $516,650.00.
Resolution 2024-2. O&M rate, $39.00. David Lake made motion to approve $39.00 O&M fees for 2025 season, Trent Coleman second. Passed. (Rate did not change for 2025 season).
Resolution 2024-3. Admin rate for 2024. Zero. Bruce White made motion to accept Admin rate to remain zero for 2025 irrigation season. David Lake second. Passed.
Public Comment: Montana Water Resources meeting notice on October 15/16, 2024 at Fairmont Hot Springs, September agenda. Restitution for Johanna Clark check $54.12 deposited w/Lake County Treasurer. Resolutions recorded at Clerk and Recorder. Clarification of appendix 3.2: River diversion allowance. Adjourn: Janette made motion, David second. Janette Rosman, Secretary 8-28-24