Flathead Irrigation District April 28, 2021 Meeting
Lake County Extension Office, (back door by the kitchen)
303 3rd Avenue NW., Ronan, Mt.
Attending Commissioners: Everyone was present.
Absent Commissioners: NA
Safety of Dams, Greg Wilson, Jace Smith and Dan Lozar gave a very thorough report. The Irrigated related jobs they are working on: 1. Pumping Plant. Electrical Safety upgrade to start 3 motors almost complete. 2. One motor #3 has an issue and they are working with Nick Belcourt, BIA. Nick stated, motor start-ups are much better and smoother. 1&2 are running well. 3. John Nash removed the brushes on #3 and hopes to have it back working in three weeks. They will be looking into impellers for #(?) that may help with motor vibrations. 4. Working on doing a slope study on the bank behind pumping plant. 5. Crow Dam: Second phase of Crow Dam construction thru late September. Then working with Bureau of Reclamation in raising spill way to get risk reduction down. Repair gate house, fall 2022. 6. Redoing canal liner back to Pablo. 7. Building contour maps of the entire project. 8. Study on Mission Dam, outlet repairs. All repairs to pumping plant are paid with Winn Act funds. Safety of Dams stated, “Bureau of Reclamation has brought valuable technical knowledge to the Pumping Plant project. They understand how to work with utilities regarding MVP updated voltage.” David Lake asked Dan Lozar to explain relationship how Safety of Dams works with irrigators. Dan stated, “Safety of Dams was asked by the Tribe to be part of the conversation regarding pumping plant and with Bureau of Reclamation all of them have been able to get things going faster.” There was more discussion regarding projects they are working on and as Compact money starts coming how do we meet the challenges for more water? How do we decrease deficiencies of water?
BIA report: Several BIA staff members were present. Larry Nelson discussed changing staffing issues. Crow Dam, no change until July 15th, have to work with Safety of Dams provisions. BIA will attempt to honor safety levels and match in flow with out flow. Nick Belcourt, three crews are installing new delivery points. Five guys short in maintenance. BIA is allowing crews to leave at 6 to for work at 7 to run water on Camas. Chasing issues. Jerry Johnson scheduling hours for employees. 4-10 shifts for ISO’s. Hot Springs crew to off-set their shifts. Making sure there is a team of workers, alternate ISO’s and use overtime.
March Minutes: David Lake moved to accept March minutes. Dave Vincent second. Passed
Warrants: Dave Vincent moved to accept Warrants, Bruce White second, Passed.
Following are the warrants: CHD $110.00 for April/May, Five Valley Law $769.50, Janette meeting room rental $100.00 reimbursement. Whaley $750.00, Montana Form UI $1.75. Total warrants $1731.25. Adm. Fund $613,607.00, O&M $898,140.00. as of Marche 31, 2021.
Cassie Dellwo: Mission and Jocko have not returned documents dissolving FJBC checking account and placing District office (St. Ignatius) in all three district names. No action taken.
CME2 Questionnaire: David Lake moved to approve Questionnaire document that was presented at this meeting and mail to all FID irrigators. Dave Vincent second. Passed unanimously. CME questionnaire on File with FID.
County Commissioner, O&M & Admin fees. David Lake moved to table discussion, Bruce White second. Passed
Public Comment: Susan Lake introduced Shana Radford, new Superintendent of BIA. Shanna Radford stated, “I am here to listen and solve issues. I Serve on Federal Implementation team for the Compact.
Adjourn: David Lake moved to Adjourn, Dave Vincent second.
Janette Rosman, secretary