Flathead District Irrigation meeting, April 24, 2024
407 Main Street SW., Ronan, Mt. 1:00 PM
Attending Commissioners: David Lake, Paul Guenzler, Trent Coleman, Bruce White & Janette Rosman.
Absent: No one.
Meeting started with Pledge of Allegiance.
Casey Ryan, CITT (Compact Implementation Technical Team) presented updates on Irrigation Projects. You can view all Irrigation Projects, Safety of Dams, Planning Projects and Mitigation/Restoration on WWW.csktwatercompact.com/ .Under Irrigation Projects click on Jocko Pipeline, Pablo 31A Chute Replacement, Falls Creek Replacement Diversion, and or Lower Jocko Diversion Upgrade.
For CITT meetings go to:
http://www.dnrc.mt.gov/Water-Resources/Compact/Compact-Implementation-Technical-Team .
Following information was taken off DNRC site, April 10th meeting. Casey provided updates from the CSKT web site: The CSKT Irrigation Infrastructure Program has completed construction of the Jocko K Canal Headworks. The CSKT plans to begin construction on the Falls Creek Diversion Structure and 31A Canal Drop Structure during 2024. The next three projects for bid and construction will be the Jocko Pipeline Conversion Project, the Jocko Lower J Canal Diversion Structure, and the North Fork Jocko Diversion Structure. There are a significant number of other projects in the planning, design, and permitting phases. Casey noted that the CSKT is working on ArcGIS story maps for some of these projects. Casey pointed the audience to the CSKT water compact website http://www.csktwatercompact.com for project updates.
March Minutes: Bruce made motion to accept March minutes, David second, Passed.
April Warrants: David made motion to accept April Warrants, Trent second, Passed. April warrants: Click Here Designs $55.00 and Whaley Accounting $750.00. Total warrants $805.00. Balances in Admin acct. $502,998.00, O&M acct. $959,267.00.
Public Comment: Duane Weible asked how Ninepipes BIA Annual Spring meeting went.
Adjourn: David made motion to adjourn meeting, Trent second.
Janette Rosman
FID commissioner and Secretary