Flathead Irrigation District Agenda, January 14, 2019
Lake County Community Development Center, Ronan
407 Main Street SW., Ronan. 1:00 PM
Attending Commissioners:
Public Comment Limited to One Time 2 minutes per Agenda Item
Dec. Minutes: 2nd reading of By-law CHANGES posted in minutes. ACTION ITEM
Treasurer Report:
1. Review 2018/19 Annual Budget Approve in Feb. when Co. Treasure reports in.
2. Warrants. ACTION ITEM
3. 2018/2019/2020 Budget Review
4. O&M Cash Account Review. BIA Bill ACTION ITEM
Discussion: Have commissioners heard from irrigators on how they would like the commissioners handle Audit discovery of funds paid out of FID Account & not FJBC.
Montana Water Resources Association ACTION ITEM
Web site review
Are FID commissioners willing to sit in on a training session, Internal Control, Jennifer Cote Recommended in FJBC & FID audit sometime this spring?
How do we want to move forward in placing District office in all three District names?
Fiscal Year By-law Change. Nov. thru Oct. 31st includes all tax collections in year.
RESOLUTION NUMBER 2019-1 Vote on declaring election of Flathead District 2 & 4 Commissioners. Filing for commissioner needs to be in place by 2/11/19 ACTION ITEM
Authorize spending money for stamps, printing of election documents and labels without prior approval. ACTION ITEM
CME Working group Discussion POSSIBLE ACTION ITEM
CITT Representation ACTION ITEM
Public Comment