Lake County Commissioner’s Town Hall Meeting regarding Irrigation Assessment Collection
August 30, 2022, 6:00 PM at the Ronan Community Center, Ronan, Montana
All are encouraged to attend, special invites to the Governor’s Office, BIA, Senator Daine’s Office, Senator Testor’s Office, Senator Dan Salomon; House Representative Joe Read; House Representative Tom France; Senator Greg Hertz; House Representative Linda Reksten; Senator Susan Webber; House Representative Marvin Weatherwax
- Roll Call for Lake County Commissioners, Flathead Irrigation District Commissioners, Jocko Irrigation District Commissioners, and Mission Irrigation District Commissioners.
- Introduction and brief history – presented by Cassie R. Dellwo of Five Valleys Law, P.L.L.C.
- Potential impacts of Resolution 21-20 – Resolution to cease collecting Irrigation assessments.
- Lake County Commissioner’s to provide their reasoning behind Resolution 21-20.
- Mission and Jocko Irrigation District’s presentation on the decision.
- Flathead Irrigation District’s presentation on the decision.
- Questions from the public and Answers from the Lake County Commissioners.
- Public Comment regarding Resolution 21-20.