Flathead Irrigation District Agenda, October 14, 2019
Lake County Community Development Center, Ronan
407 Main Street, Ronan, Mt. 1:00 PM
Attending Commissioners:
Absent Commissioners:
Please keep Public Comments to 2 minutes per agenda item.
BIA Report next month, their office is closed, Federal Holiday. At Mission and Jocko meeting they did say the following: Stock water in Round Butte and St. Ignatius will be shut off October 15th. Moiese is shut off now. Arlee Stock water will run until it freezes.
Crews are working on Pivot structures up North. When they are done there crews will move to A Canal in Camas. BIA is aware the Camas irrigators would like pipe in that area. So would Nick. Pipe would cost $50K. They only have $9K to work with right now and will be lining it.
Approve September Minutes Action Item
Whaley Accounting Financial Package, Warrants. Action Item
Local Government Services Action Item
FID ADMIN FUND $660,135.00 O&M FUND $442.242.00 As of 08/31/19
Audit Action Item
FlatheadIrrigationDistrict.org web site Action Item