For Flathead Irrigation District Elections
Date: _____________
This form allows you to designate a single person to vote on behalf all the property owners, the corporation, partnership, trust, or LLC, whether or not that person is a part of the ownership. You are not required to designate a voter.
You must list ALL parcels by using their tax parcel ID number that you wish to designate a voter for below.
Parcel ID(s): _______________________________________________________
Owner(s) of record: __________________________________________________
Designee name: _____________________________________________________
Designee address: ___________________________________________________
Please ensure printed names (above) are legible.
If the Property has multiple current owners in County records, include all owners’ names (above).
If the Property is owned by an entity other than a person’s name (e.g. Trust), please include above the names of people authorized to represent that entity.
Date: ______________________
Signatures (required to be valid):
Owner: ___________________________________
Name & Address:______________________________